Sunday, 13 August 2017

Samsung g570f Root new security unlock done by z3x | samsung g570f Reading data... error Solution

Samsung g570f  new security unlock done by z3x
samsung g570f unlock done new security phone
samsung g570f country unlock done
samsung g570f network unlock done

samsung g570f Reading data... error Solution
Security damaged (4 23) don't worry just write this file and unlock again your problem will be 10000000% solved
here is root file and modem file link

root file

Root File
Modem / cp file 

 Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-G570F
Software version: 28.2

Waiting ADB device... Ok
Reading phone info...
Model: SM-G570F
Android version: 6.0.1
Product code: SM-G570FZKDINS
Phone version: G570FXXU1APJ3
PDA version: G570FXXU1AQD2
CSC version: G570FODD1AQE1
CSC country code: India
CSC sales code: INS
HW version: MP 0.500
Phone SN: R58J53QYBHN
Chip name: EXYNOS7570
Modem board: SHANNON305
Security patch: 2017-04-01
RF cal date: 20170518
Checking Super user right... true
Reading NV data... Ok
Checking NV data... Ok
Reading data... error
Security damaged (4 23)
Initialization zTool... Ok
Running zTool, please wait...
Start... Ok
Initialization... Ok
Generate and check client proof... Ok
Verify proof by client... Ok
Reading data from phone... Ok
Modem board: SHANNON305
HWID: 24 83 F2 AE 98 9C 52 2C C4 C0 60 32 0A 00 00 00
Calculating... Ok
Unlocking... Ok
Writing NV data... Ok
Rebooting phone... Ok
Unlock done

Done with Samsung Tool PRO v.28.2


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